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This surname, which was originally O Loingsigh, is derived from the Gaelic word loingseach, which means mariner. In 1911 there were 931 Lynch families living in Ontario.
in LYNCH is Name meanings are given in many internet websites and we focus on giving more interesting (and useless too!)
Early Origins of the Lynch family . Usage of lynch as a middle name is more common than its usage as a first name.
The Lynch’s built castles in Galway and Connemara to protect their family as well as their wealth. Ontario had the highest population of Lynch families in 1911.
On this basis, the people with the name LYNCH have a higher likelyhood of being Black and a lower likelyhood of being Hispanic origin.
estimate that as of
Interesting Facts about First Name lynch.
Baby Name Guesser finds out how first names are commonly used on the Internet.
It uses Google to look for common patterns involving each name, and then analyzes the results. LYNCH to USA's population statistics, we can
Compatible with LYNCH
But considering most of our visitors insist to see meaning of LYNCH in this page, we are giving you a google search box in which you can type "meaning of LYNCH" or "LYNCH+name+meaning" and find what you are looking for :) The sum of alphabetical order of letters
If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Lynch, try our name generator.It allows you to go beyond the similarities of a name, which can provide a lot of inspiration!
14 names similar to Lynch. LYNCH is the most popular 4303.rd name in USA (... 4301.ata, 4302.willa, 4303.lynch, 4304.chih, 4305.anselmo...).One in every 43,888 Americans is named LYNCH and popularity of name LYNCH is 22.79 people per million.. Some words from the dictionary with the same arithmetic sum of 62 are:
Shown are the top 20 most likely full names that have LYNCH as a first name.
20.1% Black,
Baby Name Suggestions. There are 0.12 people named LYNCH for every 100,000 Americans.
Other Names which are Arithmetically
This name is in the 93rd percentile, this means that nearly 6% of all the first names are more popular. Logan first hooked up with LYNCH MOB in 1990, but exited the group after the release of its first album, only to rejoin the outfit in the late 2000s.
Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551. Thomas Lynch (1749 - 1779), came from an Irish family which had then been three generations in America, and was one of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence as a representative of South Carolina.
These figures should be considered only as a rough estimate.
If we compare the popularity statistics of
names associated with this first name. Copyright © 2013 - 2020 All Rights Reserved.The first name LYNCH is included in the following name catgories:
LYNCH is ranked as the 16638th most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 376. The length of the bars represents an estimate of the the number of people with the name expressed as The yellow horizontal lines represent the race distribution of the general population. 0.4% Asian or Pacific Islander, The name de Lench became Gaelicised to ‘Linseach’ and was later Anglicised to Lynch. how likely a person with the name will be part of a given race or Hispanic origin group. Hispanic origin distribution to the distribution In the middle ages the Lynch’s became one of the most important tribes of Galway. The most Lynch families were found in the USA in 1880.
The purpose of this graph is to compare the name's specific race and This name is most often used as a last name, 100% of the time. The Lynch family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. 74.5% White, During the years 1484 and 1654, Galway had 84 Mayors with the surname Lynch. However, there is also a native Irish family named Lynch. Col Charles Lynch (1736-1796), from whose name the American word to lynch, or "lynch law", was coined, was born in Virginia to Quaker immigrants from Ireland. The race and Hispanic origin distribution of the people with the name
There are 67 last a percentage of all the people named LYNCH. 2.6% Hispanic origin, The Funny sites whice pokes birthday and interesting & surprising facts about the day you were born.
The vertical blue bars represent the race distribution of people that have the name.
in the general population of the US.
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